Are You Facing Drug Charges In New Jersey?
Drug charges require experienced criminal defense. Mandatory sentencing guidelines and strong political support for “the war on drugs” have resulted in harsh penalties even for first-time offenders. A drug offense conviction can cause you to lose your driver’s license, even if you were not in a car when you were apprehended. Any drug investigation, arrest or charge is reason enough to consult a dedicated criminal defense attorney who defends people accused of drug offenses.
Contact a New Jersey attorney at The Law Office of Miller & Gaudio PC to schedule an initial consultation.
We can help if you have been charged with possession, possession with intent to distribute, cultivation, manufacturing, prescription fraud or trafficking of controlled substances, including:
- Marijuana
- Crystal meth
- Heroin
- Prescription narcotics such as OxyContin
You may be guilty as charged, you may have been a victim of circumstances such as an acquaintance or spouse bringing drugs onto your property, you may struggle with addiction, or you may be completely innocent. Regardless of your degree of responsibility for the drug charges that you now face, your constitutional rights do not fall by the wayside just because there is the “war on drugs.”
Our passion and our commitment as criminal defense attorneys helps in defending people charged with drug offenses to ensure that their constitutional rights are protected. If we find that your charges are the result of an unreasonable search and seizure, we will aggressively assert your Fourth Amendment rights.
Contact A Red Bank Drug Crime Defense Attorney
Contact a lawyer at The Law Office of Miller & Gaudio PC by calling 732-747-6016 to schedule a consultation if you have been arrested or if you are under investigation for possession or distribution of illegal substances such as marijuana or ecstasy.