A comprehensive review of randomized clinical trials in three different medical journals revealed that more than 400 common medical procedures are actually ineffective. Researchers from several prestigious universities looked at controlled clinical trials from the last 15 years, which covered more than 3,000 different articles, to get their results. The researchers who conducted this study are hoping that their findings will end many medical procedures in New Jersey and other states that may be doing more harm than good.
Medical practices that are found to be no better than previous or lesser standards of care are referred to as medical reversals. Identifying these practices can be difficult, especially when practices at only one provider are studies. A meta-analysis looks at procedures from many different providers to get a more accurate look at outcomes. The journals studied in this research were the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the Lancet, and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
Medical reversals that are used on patients can result in many adverse effects, including physical and emotional harm. Reducing or eliminating these medical reversals will reduce costs for providers and improve care for patients. The goal is to create a comprehensive list of low-value procedures that providers throughout the country can avoid.
Victims of malpractice should consult with an attorney to see if they have any legal recourse. If a lawyer determines that their client was harmed due to the use of ineffective or harmful medical procedures, filing a lawsuit may be the best way to obtain compensation. Many attorneys who work on these types of cases will not require a fee from their client unless they can successfully obtain compensation.