Seeking Fair Compensation For Truck Accident Victims
If you or someone you love has been injured in a truck accident such as a tractor-trailer crash, you have enough to worry about as you cope with the major disruptions to your life. The truck accident victim’s recovery is top priority, but medical expenses can stress the family’s financial health. An honest, hardworking, well-respected personal injury attorney on your side can take a great load off your shoulders.
Contact a New Jersey truck accident attorney at The Law Office of Miller & Gaudio PC now to learn how our lawyers can work to maximize your recovery of damages and identify all available sources of compensation. .
The Law Office of Miller & Gaudio PC aggressively represents victims of truck accidents of all varieties, including the following:.
- Car-truck collisions
- Truck-to-truck collisions
- Truck driver injuries
- Truck-pedestrian injuries and fatalities
- Truck-bicycle injuries and fatalities
- Car-snowplow collisions
- Car-garbage truck collisions
Truck accidents such as semi wrecks have many causes, but there is almost always some type of negligence involved, including:.
- Speeding
- Illegal lane changes
- Inattentive driving
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Driving while fatigued, without the legally prescribed number of hours of sleep and rest
- Pulling too heavy of a load or improperly secured cargo
- Truck part defects, including defective tires and brakes
- Inadequate safety markings on the truck
- Failure to properly maintain a truck or trailer
Truck operation on our streets and highways is subject to specific rules and regulations..
After we undertake a detailed investigation of an 18-wheeler accident, we often discover specific key facts such as the following:
- The truck driver may not have had the appropriate license.
- The truck driver may have been pulling a trailer not owned by him or his company.
- The truck driver may have been an employee of a trucking company or he may have been an independent subcontractor.
- Some mechanical failure may have contributed to or caused the crash — such as a nonfunctioning brake light or missing reflective tape.
- The truck may not have been properly inspected according to schedule.
All such details may end up being critically important to the pursuit of maximum compensation for a person who has suffered a spinal cord injury, a brain injury, a crush injury or a broken bone — or for the surviving family members after a truck accident fatality.
Contact A Red Bank Truck Accident Attorney Now
Contact us online or call us at 732-747-6016. Our attorneys at The Law Office of Miller & Gaudio PC are committed to pursuing and obtaining the maximum compensation available for victims of truck accidents in New Jersey.