Safety is a concern for New Jersey workers in the construction industry. Since construction is one of the riskiest occupations for injuries and death, workers’ compensation benefits can be key to people getting the medical care they need and making ends meet.
A new study analyzed job site supervision and how it plays into safety. Contractors listed the most essential factors in safety: 84% cited worker involvement, 83% said supervisors needed to have strong leadership attributes, 82% referenced frequent safety meetings, and 77% mentioned the need for workers to have continuous access to safety training for workers and supervisors. Other concerns included: safety audits at 67%, staff meetings about safety from the corporate perspective was mentioned by 62%, and safety-focused staffers came in at 61%. Half wanted an internal person to provide this training, 73% wanted those who were trusted as supervisors and foremen to handle it.
In the study, certain tools were mentioned as critical aspects of safety improvement. The most commonly mentioned strategies were basing safety protocol on the site itself, training and health plans. Two-third of contractors encouraged workers to be vigilant about dangers and reporting them to superiors. Only half of those surveyed said they asked workers to give input. In addition, 39% had workers take part in safety planning. Online training is expected to become more prevalent in the future. Still, this has reduced from the previous study conducted in 2017. Technological advancement has fostered enthusiasm for improvements in worker safety.
Even with these attempts at improving worker safety on construction sites, there are constant dangers that can lead to injuries and death. This can cause physical and financial problems that workers’ compensation will be needed to address. When seeking workers’ compensation, individuals may benefit from speaking with an attorney.